Jacob Joakim Sederholm
born in Grankulla, Finland 28.6.1969, home town Borgå, Finland
1996-2000 Academy of Fine Arts of Finland, Dep. of sculpture, Helsinki.
1995 Paris, Senegal and Mali, exploring the use of clay in architecture and sculpturing in Western Africa (Dogon), learning traditional ceramic burning technics (earth-kilns) in Senegal.
1995 Norway, (assisting sculptor to put up exibition in Rogaland Museum, Stavanger).
1997 Turkey, exploring antique sculpturing and architercture.
1998 Portugal, (assisting artist creating exibition in Centre de Arte, Technologie e Culture Humana).
1999 Egypt, exploring Egyptian sculpturing and architecture.
1996 “Sculptures”, Grankulla City Hall, Finland.
2002 “Sculptures”, Galleria Becker, Jyväskylä, Finland
2002 “Sculptures”, Gallery Forum Box, Helsinki, Finland
2004 "One the edge", Cafe Edge, Helsinki
2005 "Sculptures", Galleri Becker, Jyväskylä, Finland
2005 “Sculptures", Galleria Huuto, Uudenmaankatu, Helsinki, Finland
2005 Galleria Jarska, Tappers Juhola, Saarijärvi, Finland
2007 “Sculptures of ceramics and steelplate”, Skanska headoffice, Helsinki
2008 Galleria Forumbox, Helsinki
2009 Galleri Sinne, Helsinki
2010 Galleria Huuto, Helsinki
2011 Galleria Orton, Helsinki
1996 “Travel to Mopti”, Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki, Finland
1999 “Liitoksia ja sortumia” (Connections and disconnections), Saarijärvi Art Museum, Finland
2000 “The beginning”, Graduation exhibition, Academy of Fine Arts of Finland, Gallery Forum Box, Helsinki, Finland
2000 “Three Sculptors”, Brinkkala, Turku, Finland
2001 “January Exhibition”, 5 sculptors. Gallery Forum Box, Helsinki, Finland
2001 “Six from Finland”, Rundetaarnet, (Municipal Hall for Art exhibitions, City of Copenhagen), Copenhagen, Denmark
2001 “Art Underneath”, Tytyri old mines in Lohja, Finland
2001 “Mänttä Artweeks”, Mänttä, Finland
2003 “Mänttä Artweeks”, Mänttä, Finland
2003 “Suvi-Pinx”, Sysmä, Finland
2003 “Art Goes Kapakka, Helsinki, Finland
2005 Maila Talvio-salonki, Hartola, Finland
2006 Suvi-Pinx, Sysmä, Finland
2006 “Exes”, former students of the academy of fine art, Academys gallery, Helsinki
2006 Six artists in the Cablefactory
2007 “ I´d like to be a dog”, art for children, Rauma artmuseum, Rauma
2007 SuviPinx, Sysmä
2008 “värähtelyä” Vääksy
2008 Huutokauppa, Helsinki
2008 “Wood in the hands of the scupltor”, Emma museum of modern art, Esbo
2009 Villa Roosa, Orimattila
2011 Konstrundan
2012 Konstrundan
2012 Villa Roosa, Orimattila contemporary art
2013 Maila Talvio salong, Hartola
2014 Villa Roosa, Orimattila contemporary art
2014 “Tail up!”, Oulu artmuseum
2015 Konstrundan
2015 Villa Roosa
2016 “In the footsteps of Kain Tapper”, Saarijärvi artmuseum
2016 Maila Talvio salong, Hartola
2016 Ceramics-centre Kuu, Orimattila
2016 Gallery Duetto, Helsinki
1998 Swedish Cultural Foundation, Helsingfors, Finland.
2000 Swedish Cultural Foundation, Helsingfors, Finland.
2000 Raimo Utriainen Foundation Award.
2001 Finnish Cultural Foundation, Helsinki, Finland.
2003 Helene & Walter Grönquist Foundation, Helsingfors, Finland.
2004 Finnish Cultural Foundation, Helsinki, Finland.
2005 William Thuring stipend
2007 Swedish Cultural Foundation
2007 Stina Krooks stiftelse
2008 Grönquist stiftelse
2015 Finnish Cultural Foundation
City of Grankulla.
Mannila Foundation, Saarijärvi Art Museum.
Saastamoinen Art Collection.
Helsinki City Art Museum.
Saarijärvi Museum
Emma, Esbo museum of modern art
Kiasma, Helsinki
+ Several private collections and homes
2003 “Ystäväpiiri”, Daycare Center Leipuri, Helsinki, Finland
2004 "Repointeri" Sanomatalo, Helsinki
2013 “ Force of example, not example of force”, Kannelmäki, Helsinki
2013 “Sitting lady”, Hartola